Questions and Answers of Animal Husbandry | 11th & 12th NCERT / BOARD Questions.

 1. Outcrossing and crossbreading are two breeding practices in animal husbandry. How do they differ from each other ? (Jan 19) 

Ans :- Outcrossing and crossbreeding are both types of outbreeding.

Differences between outcrossing and cross breeding can be considered as follows :- 



1.       Outcrossing is the method of breeding in which the mating of animals with the same breed is done. But the mating individuals do not have common ancestors on either side of mating partners up to 4 to 6 generations.

2.      The progeny forms are called outcross.

3. New breeds are not developed by outcrossing.

4.    An outcross helps to overcome inbreeding depression.

1.   Crossing is the practice in which superior males of one breed are mated with superior females of another breed.

2.   The progeny obtained is called hybrids and they are produced for commercial uses.

3.  New breeds or hybrids are formed by cross breeding.

4.  Hybrids are subjected to inbreeding and new stable breeds are developed by crossbreeding.


USA History

2. What is interspecific hybridization ? Give an example of an animal produced by such method. (2 Marks)

Ans :- 1. Interspecific hybridization is the method of breeding of male and female animals of two different unrelated species.

2. Sometimes the results are not obtained by interspecific hybridization.

3. In few cases, the progeny has desirable characters of both the parents.

4. Such desirable characters are for increasing economic value.

5. Example of product of inter-specific hybridization is mule. Mule is produced by crossing female and male donkey.

3) What is artificial insemination ? What are its advantages ? 

Ans :- 1. Artificial insemination is the technique used for controlled breeding experiments. 

2. Superior  males of a particular commercial breed are selected.

3. Semen from such superior males is and injected into the genital tract of female.

4. This insemination is either done immediately or semen is frozen and used later on.

5. In frozen semen, sperms can remain alive for long duration. They are also convenient for transport.

6. Artificial insemination is preferred as it is easy and helpful to overcome several problems of normal mating.

4) What is multiple ovulation embryo transfer (MOET) technology ? Where is it used?


Explain the technique of multiple ovulation embryo transfer (MOET) in animal breeding ? (Oct 13) 

Ans :- 1. Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer (MOET) technology is used to increase chances of successful production of hybrids.

2. In this technique, cow is administered with Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) which induced follicular maturation and then the super ovulation is brought about.

3. By such technique in each cycle, 6 to 8 eggs mature simultaneously.

4. The cow is then either mated with a superior bull or she is artificially inseminated.

5. The blastocysts at 8 to 32 cell stage are recovered non-surgically and transferred to surrogate mothers.

6. The genetic mother who gave the egg is then again subjected to another round of super ovulation.

7. This technology is used for cattle, sheep, rabbits, buffaloes, etc.

8. The MOET is used to produce high milk yielding breeds of female and high quality meat yielding bulls with lean meat containing less lipids. It helps in increasing favorable herd size in a short period.

5. Which method of animal breeding is best ? Why ? 

Ans :- 1. Outcrossing is the best method of naimal breeding.

2. In this method, mating of animals within the  same breed is carried out.

3. By using this method, an outcross progeny is obtained. It is considered as the best method because, even a single outcross often helps to overcome inbreeding depression.

4. It also produces animals which are better in milk productivity and growth rate as compared to their parental population.