Animal Husbandry Questions and Answers 

 1) What are the objectives of animal breeding ?


What is meant by breed ? What are the objectives of animal breeding ?

Ans :- 1) Breed : A domestic animal produced and maintained by man having clearly defined set of characteristics.

2) Objectives of animal breeding :

i. To improve the desirable qualities of product.

ii. To increase the yield of animals in animal husbandry practices.

iii. To develop desirable characters like increased production of milk, quality of meat or maximum yield of eggs per year.

USA History

2) Write short notes on :

i) Inbreeding 

Ans :- 1. Inbreeding is the mating of two closely related individuals within the same breed for 4 to 6 generations.

2. During inbreeding superior males and superior females of the same breed are identified. the superior males and superior females from this progeny are identified and used for further mating.

3. Due to inbreeding homozygosity is increase and harmful recessive genes are exposed. Inbreeding is done when a pure line of an animal is expected.

4. Inbreeding helps in accumulation of superior genes and elimination of harmful or less desirable genes.

5. Continued inbreeding usually reduces fertility and productivity. This is called inbreeding depression.

ii) Outbreeding 

Ans :- 1. Outbreeding is done by hybridization.

2. By breeding two unrelated animals, outbreeding is achieved.

3. Outbreeding is of two types, viz. outcrossing and cross-breeding.

4. In outcrossing two unrelated individuals are crossed which belong to the same breed but they do not have common ancestors for 4 to 6 generations.

5. Breeding between different breeds is called crossbreeding.

6. Breeding done between individuals belonging to different species is called interspecific hybridization. It is also considered as a type of outbreeding.

iii) Outcrossing

Ans :- 1. Outcrossing is the method of breeding in which the mating of animals within the same breed is done. However, these individuals do not have a common ancestors on either side of mating partners up to 4  to 6 generations.

2. The progeny obtained from such mating is called an outcross.

3. It is the best breeding method for animals which are below average in milk productivity, growth rate, etc.

4. In order to overcome inbreeding depression, outcrossing can be done.

iv) Crossbreeding

Ans :- 1. Crossbreeding is a practice in which superior males of one breed are mated with superior females of another breed.

2. The desirable qualities of two different breeds are combined by the method of crossbreeding.

3. The progeny formed by crossbreeding is hybrid which may be used for commercial production.

4. The hybrids are then subjected to some form of inbreeding and selection for developing new stable breed. Such breeds are usually superior to the existing breeds.

5. Using this method Hisardale breed of sheep is developed in Punjab by crossing Bukaneri ewes and Marino rams.