Questions and Answers of Animal Husbandry 

1) As a dairy owner what measures will you adopt to improve the quality of milk ? 

Ans :- In order to improve the quality of milk, following measures should be taken at every stage of dairy farming : 

1) Good breeds having high yielding potential should be selected.

2) The breeds selected should be suitable for the local climatic conditions.

3) The breeds selected should have proper resistance to diseases.

4) Cattles should be well looked after with proper care.

5) The feed should be of suitable quality and quantity. It should include fodder in proper ratio. In addition silage made from legumes, grasses, maize and jowar should be included in the feed. Silage should be supplemented with oil cakes, minerals, vitamins and salts.

6) Utmost care should be taken about cleanliness and hygiene of the cattle as well as the handlers who handle the cattle. This is especially important during milking. Storage and transport of milk and its products. Mechanized processes should be adopted as far as possible as they reduce chance of direct contact of produce with the handlers.

7) The shed must be clean and well maintained. Similarly the dairy should be spacious with adequate facilities for feeding, watering and light.

8) Help of veterinary doctor should be sought from time to time for the identification of health problems, diseases and rectification.

9) Transportation of milk, processing, marketing and distributions play a vital role in dairy industry. If all the above care is taken then the quality of milk will surely improve.

USA History

2) What do poultry practices include ?

Ans :- 1) Poultry practices include rearing of different types of birds such as chicken, ducks, geese, turkey and fowls.

2) These bird species are domesticated for their eggs and meat. Hens raised for obtaining eggs are called layers. While those reared for meat are known as broilers.

3) Maintaining layers' and broilers' farm, running commercial hatcheries for the production of eggs and chickens and sale of day old commercial chicks are included in poultry practices.

4) In addition, allied activities are processing of eggs and meat, marketing of poultry produces. compounding and sale of poultry feed and feed additives, poultry equipment and poultry pharmaceuticals, etc. All these together form the poultry practices or enterprises.

3) Explain in short the poultry manage-ment.

Ans :- For the management of poultry, following aspects are to be taken care of :

1) Selection of proper and disease free breed, suitable and safe farm conditions.

2) Proper feeding practice and the quality of feed and water.

3) Hygiene and health care of the birds.

4) Management of layers is done by selecting high yielding chickens. Their farms are kept clean. Dry and well ventilated. They are given proper feed at proper times. Other aspects such as debating, etc. are also taken care of.

5) In the farm, importance is given to infrastructure such as proper and adequate lighting, placing waterier at places, looking after sanitation, culling and vaccination.

6) Management of broiler similarly includes selection of breed, housing, temperature ventilation, lighting, observing the floor space and feeding broilers.

4) Write a short note on poultry diseases.

Ans :- 1) Poultry diseases are of various types such as viral, bacterial, fungal and protozoan besides parasitic diseases.

2) Viral diseases are Ranikhet, bronchitis, bursities, Avian influenza (Bird flu), etc. Bacterial diseases are Pullorum, cholera, typhoid, TB, CRD, enteritis, etc.

3) The fungal diseases are Aspergillosis, Favus and Thrush.

4) Protozoan disease is Coccidioses.

6) Parasitic diseases of poultry include louse infestation, round worm, caecal worm infectious.