Questions & Answers 

1) Why is it said that " Indian Economy is mainly based on agriculture" ? (2 Marks)

Ans :- i) About eighty per cent of manpower in India is settled in the rural areas.

ii) They depend on the agriculture practices for their livelihood.

iii) Rural Indians also depend on the animals for food, clothing and other necessities.

iv) Therefore it is said that Indian economy is mainly based on agriculture.

USA History

2) Why should the practices of animal husbandry be studied ? (2 Marks)

Ans :- i) By practicing animal husbandry, the socio-economic conditions of India could be improved.

ii) The enormous man power can be utilized in managing the small scale industries concerned with raising of vertebrates and invertebrates.

iii) Young and unemployed generation can choose their career in the field of animal husbandry.

iv) Thus for human welfare and better economic conditions, animal husbandry should be studied and practiced.

3) Briefly explain the contribution of animal husbandry in human welfare. (2 Marks) 

Ans :- i) Human beings depend upon animals for their various needs. Food, clothing, transport, agriculture and other necessities are fulfilled by various types of animals.

ii) Livestock like buffaloes, cows, pigs, horses, cattle, sheep, camel, goats, etc. are successfully used for human welfare in different manner. They provide milk, meat and other animal based food products. 

iii) Horses and cattle are largely used for agriculture and transport purpose.

iv) Some insects like honeybees, lac insects, silkworm, mollusks such as mussels and pearl oysters and some vertebrates like fishes have their contributions in human welfare. All of these are important in small scale industries which suit the aim of our nation.

v) Animal husbandry practices can help in raising socio-economic status of India.

vi) It can also provide employment opportunities for young generations so that they can take up career in small scale industries.

vii) poultry farming, fisheries, bee keeping sericulture, lac culture, etc. add more to the Indian economy and employment.

viii) The commercial products obtained from animals not only add to personal income but also add to Indian economy and yield valuable foreign exchange.

4) Enlist the principles of farm management. 

Ans :- Principles of farm management includes the following points :

1) Selection of high yielding breeds.

2) Understanding the feed requirements of farm animals.

3) Supply of adequate nutritional sources for the animals.

4) Maintaining the cleanliness of environment.

5) Maintenance of health with the help of veterinary supervision.

6) Undertaking vaccination program's.

7) Development of high yielding cross-bred varieties.

8) Making various products and their preservation.

9) Distributions and marketing of the farm produce.