1) What is a breed ?

Ans :- Bread is a group of animals having a common ancestor. Animals belonging to the same breed show similar characters such as general appearance, features, size, configuration, etc.

2) Which is the best layer and which are the best broiler varieties of poultry ?

Ans :- Leghorn is the best layer while Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, Aseel, Brahma and Kadarnath are the best broiler varieties of poultry.

USA History

3) Name the American breeds of poultry.

Ans :- Plymouth Rock, New Hampshire and Rhode Island Red.

4) Name the Asiatic breeds of poultry.

Ans :- Brahma, Cochin and Langshan.

5) Name the Mediterranean breeds of poultry.

Ans :- Leghorn and Minorea.

6) Which is the English breed of poultry ?

Ans :- Austra lorp is the English breed of poultry.

7) Name the Indian breeds of poultry ?

Ans :- Chitong, Aseel, Brahma and Kadarnath.

8) On the basis of origin, write the various poultry breeds used in poultry. (July 18) 

Ans :- Lac is used to make bangles, toys, woodwork, polish inks and for silvering mirrors, etc. 

i) American breeds : Plymouth Rock, Hamposhire and Rhode Island Red.

ii) Asiatic breeds : Brahma, Cochin and Langshan.

iii) Mediterranean breeds : Leghorn and Minorea.

iv) English breed : Austra lorp

v) Indian breeds : Chitong, Aseel, Brahma and Kadarnath.

9) What are the uses of Lac ?

Ans :- Lac is used to make bangles, toys, woodwork, polish inks and for silvering mirrors, etc.

10) Name the Indian field crops which have increased productivity due to honey bees.

Ans :- Sunflower, mustard, safflower, chilly, cabbage, gourds, legumes, fruits like apple, mango, citrus, etc. are the crops which have increased productivity due to pollination by the honeybees.