1) Visit of a veterinary doctor to a dairy farm is mandatory. Give reasons. ? (July 16) 

Ans :- The cattle on a dairy farm may have health problems or infectious diseases which are to be treated by proper treatment given to the farm animals, therefore visit of veterinary doctor to a dairy farm is mandatory.

USA History

2) What is the common name of Apis mellifera ? (July 16) 

Ans :- Common name of Apis mellifera is European honeybee.

3) Define the following terms : (1 Marks)

Ans :- 1) Animal Husbandry : the science of taking care of domestic animals that are primarily used for food or products, is called animal husbandry.

2) Dairy : the Industry where production, processing and distribution of milk and milk products is covered is called a dairy.

3) Poultry : Poultry means raising domesticated birds by humans for the purpose of producing eggs, meat and feathers.

4) Broiler : the hen which is reared to obtain meat is called a broiler.

5) Layer : the hen which is reared to obtain eggs is called a layer.

6) Inbreednig : Inbreedng is the mating of two closely related individuals within the same breed for 4 to 6 generations.

7) Outbreeding : Breeding of two unrelated individuals that may be the same breed but having no common ancestors for 4 to 6 generations is called out-breeding.

8) Crossbreeding : A practice in which superior males of one breed are mated with superior females of another breed is called crossbreeding.

9) Outcrossing : Mating of animals within the same breed, but having no common ancestors on either side of mating partners up to 4 to 6 generations is called out-crossing.

10) MOET : MOET means Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer technology in which chances of successful production of hybrids is enhanced.

11) Apiculture : Apiculture or bee keeping deals with artificial rearing of honeybees to obtain various bee products.

12) Sericulture : Sericulture is the branch of applied zoology that deals with rearing and production of silkworm in order to obtain silk.

13) Lac Culture : Rearing of the lac insect (Tacchardia lacca) for obtaining resin like substance is called lac culture.

14) Fishery : Catching, processing, fish farming, and marketing of edible varieties of fish and other aquatic animals is called fishery.