1) Name the type of animal breeding carried out to produce a mule. (March 14)

Ans :- A mule is produced by inter-specific hybridization between a mare and a male donkey.

2) Which hormone is used in MOET technology  ? Why?

Ans :- Hormone FSH is given to cows to induce follicular maturation.

USA History

3) Which are domesticated species of honey bees ?

Ans :- Apis melifera and Apis indica are domesticated species of honey bees.

4) Give the scientific names of rock bee and little bee.

Ans :- Rock bee : Apis dorsata.

Little bee : Apis florea.

5) Why are prawns and lobsters considered as important fishery resources ?

Ans :- Prawns and lobsters have high market value all over the world, therefore they are considered as important fishery resources.

6) Mention any "Two" methods used to prevent spoilage of fish. (oct. 15)

Ans :- Chilling, freezing, freeze drying, sun drying, smoke drying, salting, canning, etc. are methods used to prevent spoilage of fish.

7) Give two varieties of silk which are considered as of inferior quality. (March 15)

Ans :- Tussar silk and Eri silk are considered as of inferior quality.

8) Name the three types of silk obtained from silkworm.

Ans :- Mulberry silk, Tussar silk and Eri silk.

9) Give the scientific names of silkworm and lac insect.

Ans :- Silkworm = Bombyx mori.

Lac insect = Tacchardia lacca.

10) Name the breeds of cow that are used for dairy in India.

Ans :- a) Indian breeds : Sahiwal, Sindhi, Gir, etc.

b) Exotic breeds : Jersy, Brown Swiss, Holstein.

11) Name the six breeds of buffalo in India.

Ans :- Jaffarabadi, Mehsana, Murrah, Nagpuri, Nili and Surati.

12) What are the milk products obtained through the dairy practices ?

Ans :- Milk products obtained through the dairy practices are curd, cream, butter, ghee, condensed milk, khoa, cheese, etc.

13) Name the products other than milk products obtained by dairy farming.

Ans :- Cow dung, manure, fuel cakes, gobar gas, etc.