Question and Answers of Animal husbandry | Apiculture and Fishery topics Questions and Answers. 11th & 12th Bio. NCERT/BOARD 

1) Briefly explain the role of apiculture in our life. ? 
What is apiculture ? How is it important in our lives ?

Ans :- 1. The breeding and care of honey bees is known as apiculture.
2. Four species of honey bees are used for apiculture in India.
3. Various products such as honey, wax, pollen, bee venom, royal jelly, etc. are obtained from this cottage industry.
4. Bees also help in the pollination of various crops. Hence in pastures, wild shrubs, fruit orchards and cultivated crops, honeybees play an important role as pollinators.
5. Apiculture itself is a means for employment for rural youth.

Question and Answers of Animal husbandry

2) Give economic importance of apiculture. ? (Oct 14, 15)

Ans :- 1. Through apiculture one can obtain honey, wax pollen, bee venom and royal jelly.
2. Honey is an important item as Ayurveda medicine and in food due to its nutritional value.
3. Bees help in cross pollination and thus of advantage to horticulturists and farmers.
4. Apiculture is an age old cottage industry which can be done along with agriculture.

3) What are the requirements of bee keeping ?

Ans :- 1. Bee keeping requires the equipment such as beehive boxes.
2. These artificial hives consist of comb foundation sheets.
3. In addition the bee veil, smoker, bee brush, gloves, gumshoes, uncapping knives, swarm net, queen excluder, overall hive tool, etc. are required.

4) What are the methods which one should be familiar with the undertaking bee keeping ?

Ans :- For successful bee keeping one must be familiar with the following methods :-
1. Knowing the habits of bees.
2. Selecting the suitable location.
3. Catching and hiving of swarms.
4. Management of hives during different seasons.
5. Handling and collection of honey, bee wax and other products.
6. Periodic inspection of hive boxes for cleanliness, activity of bees and queen, condition of brood.
7. Providing water whenever necessary.

5) What are the main divisions of fishery ?

Ans :- 1. Fishery can be capture fishery and culture fishery.
2. Inland fishery, Earnestine fishery and marine fishery are the three main divisions of capture fishery.
3. Inland fishery is carried out on about 40 to 50 lack acres of fresh water bodies such as rivers, ponds, lakes and dams.
4. India has a coastline of about 7500 km. Here, marine fishery is carried out in seas.
5. Culture fishery is either of poly-culture or of mono-culture type. In poly-culture, different species are cultured simultaneously at the same time in a same pond. In mono-culture, only a single species is cultured.

6) Write a short note on fish farming. ?

Ans :- 1. Fish farming is the practice of culturing the edible commercially important fish species in the ponds, lakes or reservoirs.
2. For maintaining a fish farm, following aspects are taken into consideration :
i) Selection of the site. ii) Excavation of the pond. iii) Managing hatchery. iv) nursery. v) looking after rearing ponds. and vi) stocking ponds besides managing the water sources, supplying fertilizer and supplementary feed, etc.
3. Fish farming helps in boosting the productivity and the economy of the nation.

7) What are the fish preservation methods ? Describe briefly. ? 

Ans :- 1. Fish is a highly perishable commodity. After catching the fish it immediately starts spoilage process. In order to prevent the process, the fish preservation is done.
2. The different methods of fish preservation are as follows :-
i) Chilling ii) Freezing iii) Freeze drying iv) sun drying v) Smoke drying vi) Salting and vii) Canning.

8) Give the economic importance of fisheries ? (March 14, 16, July 18) 

Ans :- Economic importance of fisheries :- 
1. Fish is a nutritious food and thus is a source of many vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
2. Commercial products such as fish oil, fish meal and fertilizers are prepared from fish.
3. Fish by products such paints, soaps, oils and medicines are economically important.
4. Some organisms like prawns and lobsters have high export value and market price.
5. Fish farming and other fishery trades provide job opportunity and self employment.
6. Productivity and national economy is improved through fishery practices.

9) Can "Fishery" be a sustainable job option ? (Jan 18) 

Ans :- 1. Fishery can never be a job. It is a livelihood or can be an occupation.
2. Fish is a renewable resource. If managed properly. It can be sustainable resource.
3. The sustainability is dependent upon the availability of fishes and other edible organisms. But due to climate change, pollution and over-exploitation of fish resources, these are deflecting rapidly. It is estimated by the scientists that by 2050, no fish will be left in the seas.
4. However, if aquaculture is done to raise fishes. partly it can be sustaining. But there are many environmental regulations that can hamper the business of aquaculture.

10) Name the by products of fishery ?

Ans :- 1. Fish oil, fish meal, fertilizers, fish glue, fish guano and isinglass are some of the by products of fishery.
2. These by products are used in paints, soaps, oils and medicines.