Animal Husbandry | 11th & 12th NCERT Question and Answers
1) Name the species used in sericulture. Name the stages in the life cycle of a silk moth in cyclic form. ? (March 17)
Ans :- 1. Species used in sericulture is bombyx mort which is commonly known as silk moth.
2. Cyclic representation of silk moth's life cycle.
2) Describe sericulture in brief. ?
Ans :- 1. Sericulture is the practice of rearing silkworms for the production of silk.
2. The silkworm (Bombyx mori) is reared for obtaining best quality of silk called mulberry silk. Tussar silk and Eri silk are other varieties of silk which are inferior to the mulberry silk.
3. Larvae of silkworm are fed on the mulberry leaves. These larvae are reared, developed and well looked after by the skilful labour keeping a constant watch.
4. Silk is obtained from the cocoon of the silkworm.
5. Sericulture is an age old practice and can be started with low investment and small space. It requires scientific knowledge and skill.
3) Explain Lac Culture. Or
Write a short note on lac culture. ? (July 17)
Ans :- 1. Lac is the resin like substance secreted from the dermal glands of the female of Tacchardia lacca or lac insect.
2. Lac insect feeds on succulent vegetation of trees such as ber, peepal, pulas, kusum, babool, etc. The pinkish secretion of hte female gets hardened upon exposure to air.
3. This is natural lac which is contaminated. It is washed and filtered to get shellac in pure form.
4. For the purpose of getting regular supply of good quality and wuantity of lac, artificial inoculation of plants is done.
5. Since lac insect is a natinve of India, about 85% of the total lac is produced in India. Practicing lac culture is of economical benefit to the farmer.
4) Give the economic importance of lac. ? (July 16)
OrState the economic importance of "Lac Culture" ? (March 18)
Ans :- Lac is used for the following purpose :-
1. For making bangles.
2. For making different types of toys.
3. It is used in wood works.
4. Polish is made from lac.
5. Inks can be prepared from lac.
6. Lac is largely used for silvering mirrors.
5) Tribal people from India have a great contribution in production of lac. But it needs certain trees. Name at least two such trees which give food yield of lac. How is lac purified ?
(Dec 18)
Ans :- Plants like ber, peepal, palas kusum, babul, etc. are used for feeding lac insects during the practice of lac culture. Natural lac is contaminated and hence it is washed and purified. This helps to obtain shellac in pure form.
6) Sketch and label the life cycle of lac insect ?
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